2023 (- ongoing)
Schule der Gelaüfigkeit
Schule der Gelaüfigkeit is a wall installation, consisting at the moment of around 100 small paintings and drawings on sheet music. The title refers to one of the books of sheet music that I cut apart for the paper.
But perhaps the work is indeed a school of velocity. All individual drawings are made in a short amount of time, and the collection grew over several months, as part of an everyday, ritual like studio practice. But more substantially, in terms of subject matter, there is also a relationship to time. The drawings are based on fleeting images that I saw in newspapers, or on social media such as Instagram.
The aim of bringing these smaller, more notational works together, is to see them simultaneously, to transform them into a presence. There are recurring motifs. Quite a few drawings go back to images of bodies in water. Another source is images of people posing with their plants, a fascinating Instagram niche. But in the end I think the work is about relations between images on a more abstract level.
Installation view, total dimensions 200 x 350 cm
Installation view, total dimensions 200 x 350 cm