Rehearsing Beginning
I wrote an article for the 'Revista portuguesa de pedagogia' about the notion of 'beginning' in artistic and educational practice, through the lens of my work for the Teacher Training Programme @wdka and the Master Education of Arts @meiapietzwartinstitute. I'm interested in beginning as something very practical, the pedagogical gesture of starting a class, starting work on a new project, etc. But also, on a more philosophical level, questions such a how, as an educator, your actions can acknowledge the open-endedness of any pedagogical endeavour within complex institutional contexts, especially if these are compromised by attempts to quantify learning.
Voor Tubelight schreef ik voor het themanummer 'overtuigingen' een essay, onder andere over films van Eric Rohmer en Miranda July. Het artikel is online beschikbaar via deze link.
Het ding, de doos en de man
Een column over de pas gerenoveerde Gabo aan de Coolsingel in Rotterdam.
In opdracht van Sculpture International Rotterdam, voor een bij Jap Sam Books in maart 2022 te verschijnen publicatie over de renovatie van het beeld.
Meer informatie via deze link.
En toen sprongen we. Een gesprek met Priscila Fernandes
Voor Tubelight interviewde ik kunstenaar Priscila Fernandes. Het artikel is online beschikbaar via deze link.
Exercising Study
An article on the work of Rhona Byrne and Elaine Leader.
In: Jennie Guy (ed.), Curriculum, Bristol (UK): Intellect, 2020
"Curriculum surveys a broad range of practices that share an interest in how the conventions of learning, as typically encountered in schools, might be extended or reimagined. At the heart of Curriculum is Art School, an independent curatorial framework founded by Jennie Guy in 2014. Operating throughout Ireland, Art School establishes interfaces between contemporary art and schools as sites of education, inviting students and artists to work collaboratively. It takes place as a series of workshops, residencies, exhibitions and new writing that explore how contemporary artists can intervene within systems of education in order to inspire and expand, fracture and revise."
Art is where the heart is
Commissioned by Kathrin Wolkowicz and Heyer Thurnheer for the on-line platform In proximity to the arts.
The article can be read on their website via this link.
An interview with Priscila Fernandes
Commissioned by Tent Rotterdam for a publication accompanying the Dolf Henkes Prize exhibition in 2019, for which Priscila was nominated.
A pdf of the interview can be found here.
A Parallel Text
A text written as a writer-in-residence during The Parallel Show Grande Finale, which took place in May 2018 at NP3 Groningen and Greylight Projects Brussels.
Commissioned by Frans van Lent, the artist who organised the project.
A pdf of the publication which includes my text can be found here.
Friendly Stalking. Practice-Based Research into Non-Hierarchical Learning Environments
In collaboration with Rolf Engelen and Vanessa Jane Phaff
In: A. Groen & B van der Vlist (eds.). RASL Compositions. Imagining Alternative Futures. Rotterdam: Rotterdam Arts & Sciences Lab. 2018
The article can be read on the RASL hybrid publishing platform, and via this link.
Een pover beeld
Een column over het sculptuur QWERTZ van Franz West, geschreven om voor te dragen tijdens Z-Files XL in het Nieuwe Instituut op 16 juni 2016.
In opdracht van CBK Rotterdam, het Lectoraat Art in Public Space van de Rietveld Academie en het Nieuwe Instituut.
De tekst is hier als pdf te downloaden.
Distractedly We Dance
A reflection on distraction, self-published as part of an installation, which also included a drawing and a sound work. The text can be download as a pdf here.
The School's Embrace
The School's Embrace is a short essay written as part of the workshop This Book Is a Classroom, which took place on 24 March 2013 in Rotterdam. The workshop coincided with the presentation of the book We would like to learn and are working on a book by Lucie Kolb and Romy Rüegger. In the workshop, a group of selected artists, writers and theoreticians were invited to respond to one of the articles in the book. My contribution was a response to a text by literary scholar Irina Dumitrescu.
Download text: The School's Embrace
Pick up this book
Edited by Esmé Valk and Sjoerd Westbroek, on behalf of artist initiative ADA Rotterdam. Design by Dongyoung Lee. Self published, printed at Jan van Eyck Academie Maastricht.
The publication documents a collective residency at AiR Berlin Alexanderplatz through a collection of memories of what might have happened during ADA's stay in Berlin. Personal stories are combined with reference and research materials.
With the kind support of Mondriaan Fonds, Jan van Eyck Acadamie Maastricht, AiR Berlin Alexanderplatz and Kunstverein Göttingen.
On Mark Making
This text about drawing as mark making was first delivered as a lecture in March 2011 at Duende, Rotterdam, as part of an afternoon with performances and lectures accompanying the exhibition Beside Itself, with works by Martijn Hendriks and Bas van der Hurk.
The text can be read via this link.